
About Adam Connor

Adam is a Design Director at Mad Pow, Dad, Husband, Illustrator, Speaker, and lover of good beer. You can follow adam on the twitters at @adamconnor.
Author Archive | Adam Connor

Early Release

Aaron and I have been working on getting the book written which is only a somewhat acceptable excuse for our lack of updates to the blog. But just to show the we aren’t kidding — there is an actual book — we figured we’d drop in this little post. The first two chapters of the […]

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3 Kinds of Feedback

Asking for feedback is a universal part of the design process regardless of organization, industry or maturity. At some point in the process of making something you turn to others and either explicitly or implicitly open the doors to collecting their thoughts on what you’ve constructed. It could be that you’re doing this in meetings. […]

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Critique is Central to Good Collaboration

Why is it that we created a whole blog dedicated to the topic of critique? People ask us this all the time. I’m not kidding when I say that at least 2 people audibly laughed at me when I told them the idea. On the surface critique seems like a pretty straight forward thing. But […]

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A Path Back to Critique: What to do when the client sends you their own design instead of feedback on yours.

Most of us have been in situations where, instead of getting what we’d consider to be useful feedback on our designs, we get a list of changes to make to it. And often this list doesn’t include a clear indication of why the changes should be made. Beyond that some of the changes might be […]

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Design Reviews vs. Design Critique

In the time that Aaron and I have been sharing our thoughts on critique, we’ve had a lot of opportunities to speak with designers, developers, project managers, etc. about their organizations and how they’ve incorporated critique (or haven’t) as a part of their process. In those conversations, the topic of Design Reviews often comes up. […]

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